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  • xoditchenor

Hot Hot Hot!

Four days of stunning sunshine and racing in and out of the harbour.

Saturday was over 30 degrees. It started very well in about 10 knots of wind racing round to the other end of the harbour up beyond Northney Marina to a little unknown buoy called Church. We watched as John Tremlett shot off in Lass while the rest of us bunched up downwind, down tide until we hit (not literally) Ellanore where the fleet divided to SW Pilsey. It didn't make any difference as the wind gradually decreased until it finally was 2-3 knots. That required immense work on all our parts to get any boat to move anywhere. We all sunbathed on board for about 40 minutes until suddenly just before 1pm we had a gust of 7 knots and everyone got very excited - we all managed to get to Church but by this time all the anchors were out and those not quick enough just never made it. We had at least found John in Lass on the other side of the harbour, probably having lunch whilst we tried in vain to catch up with him. We all did, passed him and then he passed us all and made it to the finish line just before X55. A very long hot race - Roger you retired - It was your race!! 

The OOH on Monday was a wonderful change to feel a bit of a breeze on your face, I think everyone seemed to really enjoy it. A perfect wind for the spinnaker run start, haven't done one of those for years! Straight down harbour and out past West Pole to Hayling Bay. Another 2 races round some more buoys and then the race home. The final one was a race too far, unfortunately no-one made it back to West Pole. Watch out boys - the girls are rising. Penny in Madeleine was amazing! We raced in harbour on Tuesday and managed a couple of good races before we lost the will to do the third one home. Roger won overall with Penny coming 2nd.  Many thanks to all the team who spent their time and energy organising and helping out to make it a really fun 4 days racing. We must do it again!

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