Everyone's been asking me what I'm going to write, - well its quite simple - we won - outright - Will Henderson as skipper and brilliant crew trained by Roger before the race, thats why he was late for the ferrying. With no wind, a strong tide and rain imminent, 9 boats went out. X101 were first over the line and well ahead until hey went to the other side, we stayed this side and got to the buoy first. Felicity wanted the race to end immediately but we had another lap to do with 101 slipping back and 26 coming on tail all the way home but we managed to stay ahead. Its a nice feeling! So a huge thanks to Bill Barnes who took over temporarily, Pete, Jerrold and Roger for running the race.
Points Week is finally here at last with lots of cups to win and parties to attend.
Hope you've signed in to the social events, its going to be a glorious sunny warm week- enjoy!
All thats left to say is good luck to all the many XOD competitors and remember its fun!