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Tina Receives the Burnford Needle

At the laying up supper on Saturday our very own and much loved Tina Scott received the Burnford Needle which is a trophy awarded in turn to the Cruiser and Keelboat classes. This year it was the turn of the XOD's.

The Burnford Needle is awarded for a notable achievement or service to their class or to the club, since last awarded by that class.

David McGregor asked for nominations and Tina had the most - and this is what was said - For out-standing service to the XOD Class Association, Cowes Clubs and other events and the Itchenor XOD division. She has been the XOD Class Association Secretary since 2005, is a member of the Cowes Race Organising Teams including Cowes Classics Week and many other events and supports the Itchenor XOD fleet's racing. As one nomination stated "I nominate this amazing lady as she is ambassadorial, fun and ISC should feel very proud to have her as a member".

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