Well, what can I say about Wednesday 30th August! Normally I have to think about something to say, not last Wednesday. Low tide was 19.39 and was pouring out. We started at Baker and had a struggle up harbour to an inflatable then screamed down to Thorney then trudged back again, dipping all the way, unfortunately ahead we saw a Swallow deeply aground on the Itchenor bank at a terrible angle and then turning the other way towards Thorney we saw Vixen aground. Unfortunately neither could release themselves and so remained stuck while the rest of the fleets returned to base. Chris Griffiths and Steve Martin (Swallow sailors) went back in Steves rib to rescue the occupants. Chris rowed a tender out towards Vixen and the occupants had to walk across the mud in knee high water in relays to get aboard the tender and then onto the rib which was precariously near to running aground. They also rescued the Swallow sailor sitting on top of the boat on the edge. Supper was saved and enjoyed, thanks Danny.
Roger and Mike Wigmore returned in the dark to find Vixen and bring her home at about 21.45 Steve and Chris had to wait till 11.15 to float off the Swallow.
Photo by Sula Reidlinger
West Wind Trophy was an interesting weekend of racing. Saturday pm saw Astralita starting way after the race began, in fact they didn't have the entire course written down as it had started to be removed. First John passed the 3 boats who had to go back after being over the line, then he cut across to Dunes overtaking a few more then down the SW Pilsey - a couple more then up to Pivot way over and took some more. He came 2nd. I think he should always start 10 minutes after the rest of the fleet.
Sunday was a very mixed bag and looking at Cambermet and wind direction you can see why!
We were sent to Lowes in the morning after waiting ages for the wind to change, but it was on land! so the race finished rather abruptly! Lots of wind and competition for the few remaining boats in the afternoon. So who will win, all will be revealed today?